SpeechifAI Platform Updates

8 min readAug 28, 2020


Image created by: Ioana Zberea

Follow along to stay up to date on our new platform updates! Below you find improvements to make SpeechifAI easier to use and an even more useful product. With each new platform iteration, we take a step in the right direction with our efforts to give people a stronger voice online.

September 2, 2021

Updates to the SpeechifAI platform design:

New Design

We’ve upgraded our platform with a new, fresh look. Making it even more intuitive and user-friendly. All currently active campaigns will look exactly the way they were originally designed. But, SpeechifAI users now have the option to upgrade their active campaigns so their audiences can experience our brand new look.

**Note: all new campaigns will automatically feature the new design.

Landing Page Image Updates

The landing page images for currently active campaigns will now display a square image with a 1:1 aspect ratio or 900x900 pixels. For mobile the aspect ratio is 3:1 with a minimum of 1000 pixels.

No more BYOP (Build Your Own Post)

The new design won’t offer the BYOP option — for now. We’re currently working on a major overhaul of this particular feature, working to make it even easier for users to build their own posts. So, until the new version is complete and ready to launch, we’ve decided not to include the BYOP feature.

This will give us an opportunity to build on other features.

Each update to the SpeechifAI platform helps us take a step forward in our efforts to give people a voice online. If you have questions or concerns about the changes mentioned above, contact us at contact@speechifAI.tech.

Want to get some insight on the person behind our redesign efforts? Read our latest employee spotlight on SpeechifAI Frontend Lead, Isaiah Francois.

May 11, 2021

Updated Writing Assistant

We launched a new version of our intelligent writing assistant.

The writing assistant will also make recommendations for sentiment, hashtags, emojis, punctuation marks, linebreaks, use of capitalized words, and much more. We recently incorporated more data from a number of sources to help improve and diversify the posts our assistant is trained on — now using 284,893 unique observations.

The updated version includes the following new features:

  • A check for more complex structural features in the text input by users
  • Context-based synonym suggestions
  • Feedback on the percentage increase of a particular element of success the post will have after implementing a certain suggestion. Ex: Users who have implemented this change have a 21% increase in post interactions on average.
  • Suggesting new text to complete short tweets (coming soon)

Autocomplete Functionality

An autocomplete feature is now available for some customers. It can help users lengthen the content of their posts if they are not the optimal length. This feature will also give suggestions to help users write an additional sentence or two that they may not be able to compose on their own.

The feature also creates several autocompleted text versions and tests which one will perform the best based on our data. This helps users not only finish writing their posts but make them more effective for high engagement.

It should be noted that this model can be biased, the openAI team has said:

“Because large-scale language models like GPT-2 do not distinguish fact from fiction, we don’t support use-cases that require the generated text to be true. Additionally, language models like GPT-2 reflect the biases inherent to the systems they were trained on… We found no statistically significant difference in gender, race, and religious bias probes between 774M and 1.5B, implying all versions of GPT-2 should be approached with similar levels of caution around use cases that are sensitive to biases around human attributes.”

**This functionality is still in the beta phase and will be released soon to paying customers. This is an amazing feature that can be very helpful for our users but should be taken with a grain of salt as we continue to work on its progress. Additionally, we have implemented safeguards to remove any hate speech or offensive language, but some bias may persist.

November 2, 2020 Platform Updates

Optimize Tweets With Our Tweet Assistant

Help your community members make the most out of your content! Enable the new “Optimize Tweet” option for your campaign so that your sharers can customize posts with the help of our AI-powered Tweet Assistant. The Tweet Assistant will give them suggestions on line breaks, hashtags, emojis, punctuation marks, sentiment, or use of capitalized words to make sure that their posts will have maximum success.

October 30, 2020 Platform Updates

Twitter Insights

Now, campaign managers can get even more detailed insights on how their campaigns perform on Twitter. They can see how many original Tweets are shared through SpeechifAI, how often those Tweets are retweeted, the total amount of impressions, and how much those generated impressions are worth. Campaign managers can also see the top 20 most influential posts. They will be able to see the creators of these Tweets and how many likes and retweets the posts have. If a Tweet is clicked on, the campaign manager will be brought directly to Twitter where they can see all the comments and responses.

DDoS Protection

Our new protection service via Amazon Cloudfront has put in place a series of efficient safeguards against such malicious actions. As part of this new set-up, the campaign pages update once every 30 minutes. If you wish to have your changes live immediately after you make adjustments in the campaign dashboard, please click on the “update campaign” button that is placed right below the analytics tab.

Updated Writing Assistant

We have launched a completely new version of our intelligent writing assistant! It will give you even more sophisticated suggestions on how you can optimize your tweet. One proposal might be that a word had a negative connotation, so the assistant will suggest another word in its place. The writing assistant will also make give recommendations for sentiment, hashtags, emojis, punctuation marks, linebreaks, and use of capitalized words. In addition, it works more efficiently and therefore you will receive feedback much faster.

Tweet Assistant

We have some exciting news! You can now use our technology to optimize all your personal Tweets. Check out the new SpeechifAI Tweet Assistant to get instant feedback on your Tweets. The Assistant is trained on over 200,000 tweets from Members of Congress to help you create more engaging original posts with a civic and political focus. You have up to five credits to optimize your Tweets before needing an account. Members with an account will have access to even more features to help improve their Tweets. One useful highlight is that hashtags will be suggested to members based on the text of their Tweet.

August 28, 2020 Platform Updates

Direct Messaging Mode

We have released an exciting new feature for direct messaging! In addition to the “All apps” mode, where users can select any messaging app that they have installed on their phone, we provide now direct support for WhatsApp and text messages. Note that the “All apps” mode works only on mobile devices (Google Chrome & Safari browsers) while WhatsApp works on all devices and SMS works on phones and Mac computers. The “Direct Messaging Mode” can be found in “Campaign Info” of your campaign and then under “Sharing Options”.

Email Embedding

The new email embedding feature allows you to embed ready-made posts directly in your emails. In order to create such emails go to your SpeechifAI management dashboard and open the “Email Embedding” page. There you need to perform the following four steps:

  1. Select your campaign
  2. Select your preferred social network
  3. Select the posts that you want to display in the emails
  4. Copy the generated code and insert it in your emails.
Email Embedding Feature
Email Embedding Feature

White-Labeling for WordPress Plugin

If you run a white-labeled version of SpeechifAI on your own domain you must set up this domain in WordPress. You can do that in the SpeechifAI settings in WordPress.

WordPress Plugin Updates

On your integration page, we now display the version and release date of the available WordPress plugin. You can now compare it with the version that you have installed and update it, if necessary. To do so, simply download the new plugin and update the current plugin in WordPress with it. No information from your existing campaigns will get lost. Make sure to always use the latest version to have access to all features.

Character Count

When writing captions for your posts, you will now be able to see how many characters you’re typing thanks to the new character count feature. This is very helpful for Tweets but is also a feature that works for all social media platforms. It will take into account characters, links (which are always 23 characters in Twitter), and hashtags.

Duplicate Campaign

You can now duplicate your campaigns! If you would like to duplicate your campaigns, go to “Campaign Info” and you will see a button that reads “Duplicate Campaign”.

Finished Campaign

We have implemented a “Finish Campaign” button. If you want to create new campaigns, but have already reached the limit of your plan you just need to finish some of your old campaigns. The analytics for those campaigns will still be available, but the campaign content can not be changed. You can find the “Finish Campaign” button on your dashboard when you are viewing your campaigns.

We value the opinions and feedback our clients give us, so if you think of anything else you would like to see added to the platform, please contact us at contact@speechifai.tech. Further platform updates will be coming soon! Stay tuned!

Written by: Charlotte Hinrichs and Kiayna O’Neal on behalf of the SpeechifAI team




SoSha enables companies and organizations to launch word-of-mouth campaigns on social media.