Research on 400,000 Tweets By Brands And Politicians Unveiled At The National Press Club

3 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo credits: Morning Brew

On September 2nd, 2020, Tudor Mihailescu, SpeechifAI’s CEO, unveiled the main findings of the company’s research on more than 400,000 Tweets in a “virtual conversation” with more than 50 senior public relations executives. This exclusive event, hosted by the National Press Club in Washington DC, offered attendees an opportunity to learn about the key rules for impactful Tweeting in politics and brand marketing.

In late August, SpeechifAI launched the 4th iteration of its intelligent writing assistant that helps organizations and companies optimize their Twitter posts. To train the assistant, we analyzed over 400,000 Tweets from members of Congress and brands to find out what makes a Tweet more likely to be shared or liked. Have you ever thought about the differences and similarities between the tweets of politicians and brands? We have. During this iteration, we studied how various elements making up a Tweet — like line breaks, hashtags, emojis, punctuation marks, sentiment, and use of capitalized words — influence the success of a Tweet.

SpeechifAI CEO, Tudor Mihailescu, speaks via video conference at the National Press Club. Photo credits: Charlotte Hinrichs

On September 2nd, SpeechifAI CEO, Tudor Mihailescu, presented these results for the first time in a public setting to a group of senior PR executives as part of a conversation hosted by the Communicator Team at the National Press Club. Tom McMahon, a highly experienced global communications executive, moderated the event alongside host Danny Selnick, a sitting member of NPC’s Board of Governors. After the presentation, Carly Gottorff, SpeechifAI’s Data Science Lead, joined Tudor to answer queries from the audience. During the presentation and Q&A, Tudor and Carly were able to go in-depth in discussing key rules for writing impactful Tweets and concrete ways to boost an organization’s social media presence. Some of these topics included:

  • Do line breaks have an impact on how much engagement a Tweet gets?
  • How many hashtags should a Tweet have?
  • Do emojis increase likes and shares of a Tweet?
  • When should certain punctuation marks be used and how many?
  • How does negative or positive sentiment impact the success of a Tweet?
  • Should we capitalize words in Tweets, and for what purpose?

Throughout the discussion, Tudor and Carly were able to provide in depth answers to these questions and others raised by the attendees. We thank the National Press Club for having us and are looking forward to coming back with more interesting results in the near future.

If you’re looking for actionable insights on how you can write more engaging Tweets, you can download the presentation below with highlights from our research!

Author: Charlotte Hinrichs, Marketing Lead at SpeechifAI




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